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1590 Peth Rd
Manlius, NY, 13104
United States



Golub's Family Farm - Home

Our Farm is an award winning pumpkin patch and produce farm owned and operated by the Golub family. Located just outside of Syracuse in Manlius, New York.

Our Farm, since 1985

The Golub family welcomes you to our home to share the many experiences of our family farm. Our Farm is an award winning family farm that has been growing and selling farm fresh produce at a roadside stand near Cazenovia, NY since 1985.

Our Farm activities will be open every weekend in October starting on October 5th and Indigenous Peoples Day (October 14th). Of course the stand is open (self serve) all day every day from now through Halloween. We have a great selection of pumpkins with all shapes, and sizes , and even personalized pumpkins with names. This year we had a particularly good crop. We also have many types of squash and lots of gourds, corn stalk bundles, ornamental corn, honey, and rhubarb sauce,

We will have food trucks here so bring your appetite.

Our Farm’s first day for activities is Saturday October 5 We will be open 11 to 5pm.

Admission fee is $9.00/ person. Children under 2 are not charged

Of course the stand is open all day every day now through Halloween.

We are open to the public weekends (11-5) and Indigenous Peoples Day from October 5-26

Our stand is open all day, everyday, and is self serve.

No reservations needed for weekends but please call for weekday group reservations.

1590 Peth Rd

Manlius, NY 13104


Boris, our trebuchet, is now 13 years old. He's faithfully launched over 1,000 pumpkins and he continues to astound everyone that witnesses his power.

Boris, our trebuchet, is now 17 years old. He's faithfully launched over 1,500 pumpkins and he continues to astound everyone that witnesses his power. This summer Boris had major repairs. He has a new throwing arm. The old one was showing signs of rot and wear. His new arm is made out of aluminum.

Hayrides on our wagons for U pick pumpkins

Wagon Rides

Wagon rides leave about every 15 minutes or so, so you never have to wait too long. We will take you through some of our fields providing with scenic views of Our Farm.


Corn maze

This year’s maze is in the shape of the continent of Africa. You will learn interesting facts about Africa as you go through the maze. If you come on the weekend you might hear the sounds of Africa. Master drummer, Adanse , will be walking around the farm including the maze. Learn about this beautiful, magical land while trying to navigate through the paths. Don’t worry. We’ll give you directions if you choose to use them.

Activity Petting Zoo (donkey).jpg

Petting Zoo

This year you can visit our sheep, goats, calf, mini horse (Trixie), donkey (Sherman), and horse (Misty). All of these friendly animals are eager to meet you.


Horse Ride

Our trusted and good-natured horse, Misty will be available to give horse rides to children. She is a 18 year-old Haflinger with a sweet and calm personality.


Visit Us

The public can visit the farm for activities every weekend from October 5th to October 26th, from 11:00am - 5:00pm. We're also open on Indigenous Peoples Day. You can find Our Farm at at 1590 Peth Road, Manlius, NY. Be sure to check out weekly updates on our Facebook too!

On week days: the stand is open all day every day with a self serve stand.


Our Farm Radio Ad

Our Farm
Family owned and operated since 1985 in Manlius, NY